As you all know the statistics on youtube such as average, every day to 2 billion YouTube views, nearly double the viewership of all TV channels in the U.S. combined, accounted for 10% save Youtube transfer of resources via the Internet worldwide, meaning that for every 10 Internet users worldwide, there are 1 visitor Youtube ... Flatulence is fertile ground for advertising should Google bought YouTube for $ value to 1.65 billion in 2006. So make money on youtube means of Google money.
Maybe more people will see a link to view video ads next to the word "Ads by Google". When people see the video click on that ad, the line will have two things happening at the same time, the first thing that Google will be making money from people who need to advertise the link contained in it (as the businesses, organizations and individuals through the service of Google Adword advertising), the 2nd is Google will return some money to the owner of the video, the amount is added to your account Adsense (Adsense is a Google product, which allows the used to make money if they agree to allow Google ads placed on their content).
- So to make money on Youtube, the conditions should you have a Youtube account with videos uploaded by you (and owned), a sufficient condition is that you must have an account approved by Google Adsense.
The first problem is how to have a youtube account? This issue is too simple to fault it simply is not the problem anymore :)) If you have a google account "ie Gmail," you can use it to log in and start downloading youtube video of his !
- 2nd problem is how to enable money on my videos?
- 3rd problem is that how to get an adsense account approved by Google!
- 4th problem is how to link adsense account with youtube account has enabled is the money?
This article will guide you to register adsense account through your youtube channel has been activated to make money
1.First I recommend you to create a new Gmail account completely.
2.Connect Youtube account to your Gmail account, then upload your video (Not: upload your video copyright )
3.The next step activation Tab Monetization Youtube. You enter your phone number to activate (Verify) your channel entirely.
4.Then you tap into and activate Monetization monetize videos that you've uploaded ("Enable My Account"). Click to select all 3 Agreed terms as shown below - click Continue: I accept ». Ok so your youtube channel has been activated monetize your video.
Continue to Video Manager tab, Enable to make money you just uploaded video
5. Next to easily get Google adsense approval adsense account, you are on tap: advanced in the "Country" select the following countries: U.S., UK, France, Russia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore (Note: Not selected: countries such as Vietnam and India, not China ... Because Google adsense not approval. Reassuring after you fill out the registration payment in adsense account you choose the country to receive any payment any country. After you have been approved adsense account. You go to your youtube channel to exchange your country). Click: Save
6. Next, you click on the following link to register Google adsense account (Note: you do not get the log out of your youtube channel you just created):
- Adsense will connect to your youtube channel - Select "Next" (7)
- Next chose: "Yes, proceed to Google Account sign in" - Your Passworld (8)
- Continue (Note: Content language Choose: English) (9)
- And fill in the recipient information to receive payments, billing address received. after filling the information received full payment : "Submit my application" (Note: "Not Enter the address and phone number you have registered in previous adsense account" )
- Ok! Your AdSense Application has been submitted and is being reviewed.
You will receive an email regarding the status of your application within about a hourMore..Guide Link Monetize youtube account with google adsense