Google has proved to be smarter in the " tightening " of user data , all data from the user list will be established on a property ... online store .
For users , this is probably normal , but this is huge advantage for Google and the advertisers, and media partners .
Google has successfully tested a new service , Google is Mine . Google Mine will be integrated with
Google+ . Thereby , the user will automatically list system of personal data , send the image to a mine album , and share with your friends .
" It will be like when you share information " booth " her on eBay ," said Rob Enderle , principal analyst at Enderle Group, said , but the group managed more closely , only the ones you want , can know what you have and are.
Google Mine will be available online and on devices running the Android operating system . Mine With Google , Google promised to try for the new features , just make sure to share data more convenient ...
So , Google 's mission is Mine what ?
Google Mine is designed to allow users to " catalog " of what they have , and list system back to share with friends via Google+ . All information pictures , articles are updated in an album of Mine . The conversation , ask to borrow " property " of friends, sharing of resources , what users are sharing with each other to ... control , closely followed by Google Mine .
Mine Google will allow users to share favorite video clips , comes from the suggested location sharing , more and create favorites , and ask others to share all resources via Google+ , but only showing both sides ( Mine Google users and user interaction that they want to connect to ) .
Another concern arises , Google Mine is just a simple way through which companies exploit the Internet , distributors and telecommunications services will " enjoy " all the user information ?
" Where you live , what you 're reading , what you 're doing , where you are at this time , and even a drawer of your locker , well ... thoughtful supervision ," said Andrew Eisner , Director of Community and Content Retrevo said .
New vitality to Google+ ?
Google Mine will improve the efforts of Google , bringing new vitality to Google+ , Google+ help scoring against rivals such as Facebook , Twitter ...
Through Google Mine , a business model Google will be performed , similar to the company 's Facebook and other Internet service operators , which is to collect as much data as possible for users , and Google Mine will help refine considerable amount of data from Google users , even more so .
Actual use , Google Mine may give rise to a number of security issues , but Google has " therapies " were thought to be quite radical : For privacy , especially all the interaction data about the use of the service , are guaranteed by these criteria , the response from privacy advocates in Europe .
Anyone using this service should understand that all information , data , and they may be used by Google . And , people will not see the value to the consumer other than to brag about what they have .
The introduction of this new application can create a gold mine for Google , because it will allow the company to provide additional data to Google users Mine to help boost communications , advertising . Party will also balance cost and maximum profit , and of course , the economic benefits are more focused .