Google Desktop Music Player for Windows 7

If you ever visit the Google Beta Music? Google launches Music Beta in May 2011.Google Music Beta is an online music service on the desktop, Android phone and tablet,or other device can use the Adobe Flash platform.

Music Beta supports storage of up to 20,000 songs free phi.Ban can upload, createplaylists of all the interesting features of hat.Mot Music Beta is that it allows cachingautomatically play offline on mobile devices .
So far Google Music supported file types: MP3, AAC, WMA, FLAC, OGG.
If you already have an account Google Music, you can try Google Desktop Music Playerfor Windows 7. This is an application service online music Google Music Beta on thedesktop that Google mogul has just launched

To date, this tool has the following features:

- A notice SplashForm
- Scrobbling
- Refresh RAM after the end of the song
- Using Webkit
- Support for multimedia keys (PlayPause, Stop, Previous and Next)
- Support for Windows 7 Taskbar (Play / Pause, Previous, and Next)
- MiniPlayer
- Metro UI with support Aero Snap
(According globinch)