Google and Facebook the same holds "champion" in the U.S.

Over the years many online sites are always ready to look for ways to overthrow the opponent to stand up top positions. However, he grew no more than competing with each other so far including Facbook, Google
... It does affect the development, but also a great opportunity to prove his true ability their online market. 

The cause of war between Google and Facbook 

The problem is when Microsoft invested more than $ 250 million into Facebook in 2007. The pressure increased when Microsoft and Facebook achieved considerable success in the field of advertising. 

Then his Google ads on sites other than Facebook open society. This increases the misgivings that Google has a secret alliance with other social sites, and no authentication is that until Google officially announced. 

Prior to that situation, the answer of Facebook is blocking Google's intentions and its allies, that is to allow individual site owners to add friends from other social sites and other network services. Then, Facebook continues to expand, namely that created the "Like" is also the success of Facebook. 

The battle reached its peak when the other parties hinder their use of services. Facebook Google hinder the use of its service connections, Facebook is also responding by continuing to use those services indirectly, before the stop. 

Facebook glorious victory achieved without the extension to provide additional search services but also leased the most important member of Google, including co-founder of Google maps Lars Rasmussen products late in 2010 and recently Engineers created a feature "friends circle" on Google +. 

Google tries to fight by launching Google Buzz social network, but it had failed detrimental when users discovered the contents of this new product is an imitation Twitter and Facebook. 

Facebook then won the launch of e-mail service, Gmail scramble for market share. Google once again try to prove themselves and launched Google +, this new social network quickly reached the threshold of 20 million users in just 3 weeks. 

As seen, Facebook has repeatedly angered Google since 2007, making Google more clearly recognize the threat from technology companies this young. That is why Google is determined product release Google + social networks in just four years. 

The same holds "or part-time champion" 
The war would increasingly tense, as Google plans to release Google + products for businesses. Facebook would have more to further efforts to improve their social network. But ultimately, the interests of users of social networks, this war is quite useful when two big racing technology proves his superhuman power and made many new service features for users use. 

Now Google and Facebook are still among the leading online site of the United States. It is statistically accurate data at the end of July of Internet Researchers Nielsen. This study combined data collected from the audience and it was an opportunity to prove the online activities of life. 

Yet Google still higher 
By the end of July in the U.S. Google has said to 172,500,000 people per visit and sit 1 hour 30 minutes. 
Facebook use is lower than the 158.9 million people, but the average user stayed on site to more than 5 hours. 

Yahoo is sticking behind Facebook with 148,500,000 million unique visitors and average two hours 14 minutes per user. 

The trio of MSN, Windows Live and Bing, the missed opportunities with 131 million visitors, accounting for the relative average of 1 hour 30 minutes at the counter person. YouTube ranked fifth with 125.9 million unique visitors. 

The sum of data online sites reach 
Microsoft is one company with the names of the ranking Friday with 94,680,000 people, including more than 30 million visitors at more than YouTube. 

According to Nielsen, said all 213 million Americans were active on the Internet in July 2011, a striking number from 249 million to explore the opinions of Internet access via home PC and personal computers for the same period. Further statistics show that average Americans who watch 2576 online site for more than 27 hours per month.