Secret surveillance clicks Google Adsense

We have heard much about not being self-click on google adsense because google adsense have a mechanism to distinguish between Cheat or not. So why do not we seek to understand this mechanism.

Tools to test the Firefox Web Developer Plugin installed
First go to a site that put the google ads, I chose
then click on the Web Developer Plugin Infomation the link choose Display details
Plugin will show the path of this page, including links
& Dt = 1173965752960 &
& Prev_fmts = & format = 728 × 336 × 15_0ads_al 280_as
& Output = html & url = http% 3A% 2F% ad_type = text & cc = 100 & u_h = 768
& U_w = 1024 & u_ah = 738 & u_aw = 1024 & u_cd = 16
& U_tz = 420 & u_his = 3 & u_java = true & & u_nmime u_nplug = 22 = 88

You will see a number of information sent to the following google

client = ca-pub-6281xxxxxx4486 - Number of account to adsense

dt = 1173965752960 - Display time information, you just try to write a javascript function as follows
google_date = new Date (); document.write (google_date.getTime ()). Will the time machine you accurately to the millisecond

LMT = 1173965726 - Time you last accessed the site

u_h = 768 - Maximum height of screen resolution.
u_w = 1024 - maximum width of the screen resolution.
u_ah = 738 - Height of screen current.
u_aw = 1024 - the current width of the screen.
u_cd = 16 - Color scheme of the computer 32-bit instance.
u_tz = 420 - Freshness of the screen (refresh rate)
u_his = 3 - Check that you have to open many web pages from the pop Browser
u_java = true - or not Java enabled machine
u_nmime = 88: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, MIME use to check how many installed Plugin