History of Google AdSense

Google AdSense formerly known as "The ads focus on the content of Google" was introduced in March 2003. Although this program has the same concept as AdSense now but different in that not everyone can attend. All owners of the website / blog / group / forum to join the program need to negotiate with Google to
be accepted and if the website / blog / group / forum you can not get enough of the 20 million hits / month you are not eligible to participate in the program. 

When Google is growing, they find that you are wasting a huge amount of money so that the website / blog / group / forum has some hits under 20 million / month can bring them, while sites with traffic on 20 million / month turned to advertising to businesses / companies. Their answer was to create a tool called AdSense and no provisions to limit access and allow everyone to participate as long as the website / blog / group / forum of people that meet the requirements content and overall food. 

You can earn as many joining Google AdSense? 

The answer to that question depends on three main factors: 

1. How much traffic your website / blog / group / your forum 
2. How many people click on ads on the website / blog / group / your forum 
3. The ads that pay for each click 

Some advertisers pay up to $ 5 or more, you can earn quite a lot to joining Google AdSense. There are also relatively more people earn around $ 500 or more per day with Google AdSense. However, there are some exceptions can earn more.Because of that, could not say why you are unable to earn about $ 1,000 / month or more when you already know about Google AdSense. 

I dare to guarantee you will earn a better income to the limited liability company. 

How to participate in Google AdSense? 

Access to the Google AdSense link below: 

After you visit the AdSense, you must sign up for an account. You also need to ensure that you have read "The policy adopted when using the AdSense service" (Acceptable Use Policy) and you also need to comply with the requirements related to the content. Google has the right like a "policeman of AdSense" (AdSense Police) that can disable your account if you fail to comply with the regulations but in their policies (policies adopted when using AdSense service). 

Use Google AdSense on your website / blog / group / forum you like what we're going to collect money for free. And there is no reason for you to stand outside and have no reason to waste your website / blog / group / forum, while it may be profitable for you. And there are millions of reasons worth thousands of dollars to choose from Google AdSense.