Getting to the top of the rankings for search results can be quite a challenge for existing website owners. But if you haven’t yet got a website and want to dominate the Search Engines as soon as possible, then it’s best to build your site from the ground up based on SEO principles.
"If you’ve got your own favorite web designer and they are happy to produce the website for you, then investing in SEO will assist you to get your site built the right way."
Building your website without SEO is like owning a mobile phone but not connecting it to a network.
What’s involved in building SEO websites?
Building SEO Websites takes more time than building a normal website, because you need to fill in some necessary details in the META tags on your web page (like Title Tag, Website Description, Meta Keywords) as well as ensure that your website meets minimum on-page SEO factors (like H1/2/3 tags, Alt tags for pictures, keyword density checks, internal links to other pages on your site, and other factors.
It goes without saying that you can easily build (or have built) a flashy website to promote your business or product, but if you aren’t prepared to spend the time to design it from the ground up with SEO then all your efforts to attract the Search Engines will be worthless.
Building your website using SEO techniques will give you the best chance to improve your search engine rankings at a later date, if you choose to employ off-page SEO techniques to drive traffic to your site. Importantly, you need to match the keyword terms that are used in off-page SEO to the pages that you are using for on-page SEO. If you don’t do that, then there is a real chance that your SEO efforts will be worth very little, and it may take extra optimisation strategies and techniques (and cost!)
The Primary Benefit of SEO Websites
If you don’t want to attract Search Engine based traffic then there’s no need to spend any time doing SEO; it’s only of benefit if you want to get traffic to your site from the Search Engines.
There are some website applications that don’t require SEO – for instance if you are building a community based website, or want to drive traffic using offline methods like television, radio, magazines or billboards, then you won’t need to spend any time optimising your website for the search engines. In these cases you would spend more detail on the site look and fell rather than digging into the depths of SEO.
References : Digitalpoint