Instructions to create an Orders for Publishers - Google Doubleclick

The Google DFP has potential in that you don’t have to have wasted ad slots that just say “buy here” and that your ad slots can serve as both AdSense banners when they exceed your set CPM rate and you can sell much more flexible options for banner ads.

With Google DFP you can sell a specific # of impressions, # of clicks, or even unlimited impressions for
specific date range. It is however far more complicated than just setting up a BuySellAds or AdvertiseSpace banner and my testing involves around trying to maximize AdSense earnings or alternate between affiliate banner ads and AdSense ad banners in the same slot. I will let my fellow bloggers know if I am able to stumble on some formula or derive some way to increase earnings or gain new earnings from Google DFP but for now I am still in the experimentation phase.
You can find the Google Doubleclick here:

For Adsense, you can be allowed to set 3 ad units, 3 link units. Doubleclick you can put more than 3 units. I see no limit ad unit here - it means that your website depends on how much advertising space for next may.

There is an interesting things to say to me your Google Adsense links with Google Doubleclick so if orders not purchased, will replace Adsense ads displayed. Since that, the income of you will always exist. However, the adsense ads displayed here are valued at more Low CTR.

In this article I will guide you to create an orders . Log into your account and start creating a first order here:

Step 1. Select "Inventory" tab click select "New and unit" - the picture below. 

A table of information you need to fill out all the values ​​in it. 

"The name of the unit without distance" 

+ Name: name of ad units (your choice) 

+ Description: Enter a description over the ad unit you can Easily Identify contents. 

+ Size: The size of the ad unit. you can choose the appropriate size for your website. 

There are many size options, if you do not like the default sizes you can choose custom ad sizes. 

+ Target window: Select _top: to open the ad's landing page in the full body of the current window. Select _blank: to open the page in a new window. 

+ Optional placements: Assign Your Ad unit to placements 

A placement is a group of ad units đó Advertisers can target all at once. You can include this ad unit placements in any of the below or create a placement for your ad unit. 

I explain a bit more: That is in this section if you have any previous orders with different ad sizes you can add new orders. If you do not want to add you leave it blank. 

Finally, save the order. See the picture below 

Now that you have created an ad the size of orders. 

Step 2. For your order is accepted and have someone buy this item you need to continue to enter the details of orders and code of the order then bring up your website. 

See the figure below. 

- You continue to click the "Orders" tab. Select "New order" as shown below. 

Ok! Continue the value of the orders - I will provide detailed guidance: 

- New order 

+ Name: The name of the order. 

+ Company: The name of the company to reach customers. 

+ Trafficker: Assign someone trong your organization who is Responsible for uploading ad creatives and tracking the performance of this order and its line items. 

+ Optional order fields: This option you can enter additional information: contacts optional Advertiser, Agency optional, optional Contacts, Salesperson Within your organization Assign someone who is Responsible for managing this order ... 

Not important to me to ignore. 

- New line item 

+ Name: Name of order

+ Target platform: Select a platform to target to either the general or web desktop to mobile devices. 

+ Inventory sizes: Enter the sizes of the creatives you plan to upload. By indicating the sizes of the creatives you plan to upload, the system will reserve the appropriate Forecasting inventory. 

Comments + optional: You can describe your item example: my website to provide business solutions ... 

- Settings 

+ Type: Delivery priority 

Sponsorship: Highest-ranking line item type for fixed-position and time-based campaigns. 
Standard: For impression-based campaigns. 
Network, bulk and price priority: For non-guaranteed inventory. 
House: Lowest-ranking line item type. Typically used for ads đó Promote products and services chosen by you. 

+ Start time: time of your order starts. 

+ End time: time of your order will end (you decide Options) 

+ Quantity: This may be your choice to display paid advertising, or pay by click example: If I choose (Impressions) 10,000,0 display ads on my web page for display is : $ 0.1 for every ad displayed. If I select (click) the pay-per-click advertising is the 1000 clicks, a click is $ 0.50. 

+ Rate: CPM: cost-per-thousand impressions. 
CPC: cost-per-click. 
CPD: cost-per-day (Sponsorship and network line items only). 

The amount you require buyers to pay for ad clicks, or ads showing on your site. 

I for example, if you place the price is $ 0.50 per click multiplied by the total number of clicks in order is so 1000 clicks total value of orders: 1000 x $ 0.50 = $ 5.000.00 

+ Discount: The amount you want discount for orders. for example you choose the number 10 - which means you can order your discount is 10%. 

+ Deliver impressions: Evenly: Delivers impressions equally over the course of the campaign. 
As fast as Possible: Delivers campaign's impression goal as Quickly as Possible. 

+ Display creatives: Only one: Show only one creative per page if multiple creatives are associated with this line item.
One or more (default): Allow multiple creatives associated with this line item to show. 
As much as Possible: Show more as creatives in ad units on a page as Possible. Use this option to create a Roadblock.

+ Rotate creatives: Evenly: Creatives rotate evenly. 

Optimized: Creative with the Highest CTR will be shown more Often. 
Weighted: Creatives rotate at a frequency you rõ. 
Sequential: Creatives rotate in the order you rõ. You must enter a number Between 1 and 80. 

+ Day and time: Modify delivery times for a collection of days (all days, weekdays, or Weekends) or for particular days. 

+ Frequency: Controls the number of ads the same visitor sees over a minute, hour, day, week, month, or lifetime. 

- Add targeting 

+ Inventory: on this card includes your ad units. You can select the ad unit will appear, or the order will appear on your web page. 
For example: I select the name of the ad unit is "Instructions" (Name of which I achieved in this tutorial - you see the picture below). 

+ Custom criteria: up to you. 

+ Geography: Select the country your order will be displayed. 

+ Browsing: Select language .... Order your display. (You may leave the default). 

+ User domains: You can set line items to target users who visit from an IP address associated with an ISP's domain or subdomain. Valid values ​​include top-level domains (like edu and gov) and sub domains (like, and 

Now save and your order will be waiting for the buyer. 

Step 3. The next step you need to order advertising on your site. 

You click on the Inventory tab to find the Generate tags 

All orders and your ad units will appear here. Now depending on you to choose the order will be displayed on your web page. 

When finished selecting your order click select "Generate tags" are two code will appear. 

- Code: 

"<script Type='text/javascript' src=''>
</ Script> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
GS_googleAddAdSenseService ("ca-pub-4286xxxxxxxx092"); 
GS_googleEnableAllServices (); 
</ Script> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
GA_googleAddSlot ("ca-pub-4286xxxxxxxx092", "instructions"); 
</ Script> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
GA_googleFetchAds (); 
</ Script> " 

You need to paste it before the </ head> in HTML 

You can view this code see this order is an ad unit is displayed. 

If the order 2,3,4 ... your ad units will appear here. 

But only a single code. The name of the size of the ad unit will be named in this code. 

- Code: 

"<!-- Instructions -> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
GA_googleFillSlot ("instructions"); 
</ Script> " 

This code will display advertising - where you allow the display advertising.

If your order is 2,3,4 ... ad unit shall also include 2,3,4 .. like this code instructions 

"<!-- -> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
GA_googleFillSlot ("instructions"); 
</ Script> " 

So I had most basic instructions how to create an order for Google Doubleclick. 

If you have questions or need further advice you can leave a message. 
My english is not good, hope you sympathize.
Wish you have a source of income.